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Seminar: Kondo effect – a well-known but still under active study strongly correlated phenomenon

Hong-Gang Luo (罗洪刚)

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies & Key
Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education,
Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China

and Beijing Computational Science Research
Center, Beijing 100084, China


Time: 4:00pm, Thursday, December 21st, 2017

Location: Room 242, East 4, Zijingang Campus



The Kondo effect, a phenomenon found in 1930’s [1] and interpreted by Kondo in 1964[2], still attracts much attention in recent years due to the great advance of the nanotechnology. In this talk, we firstly give a brief review on the Kondo physics [3] and its experimental studies[4,5,6]. Then, we focus on several explicit systems to show the nature of the Kondo effect like the single magnetic atom on the surface of the normal metal [7] or graphene[8], quantum dot systems[9,10], and so on. Finally, we focus on recent works on the competition between the superconductivity and the Kondo effect, which uncovers the interplay between these two interactions[11].


[1] W. J. de Haas, J. H. de Boer, and G. J. van den Berg, Physica 1, 1115 (1934).

[2] J. Kondo, Prog. Theor. Phys. 32, 37 (1964) . 

[3] A. C. Hewson, “The Kondo Problem to Heavy Fermions” (Cambridge, 1997).

[4] D. Goldhaber-Gordon, D. H. Shtrikman, D. Mahalu, D. Abusch-Magder, U. Meirav, and M. A. Kastneret, Nature 391, 156 (1998).

[5] V. Madhavan, W. Chen, T. Jamneala, M. F. Crommie, N. S. Wingreen, Science 280, 567 (1998); A. Zhao, Q. Li, L. Chen, H. Xiang, W. Wang, S. Pan, B. Wang, X. Xiao, J. Yang, J. G. Hou, and Q. Zhu, Science 309, 1542 (2005).

[6] K. J. Franke, G. Schulze, and J. I. Pascual, Science 332, 940 (2011).

[7] H.-G. Luo,T. Xiang, X. Q.Wang, Z. B. Su, and L. Yu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 256602 (2004).

[8] L. Li, Y.-Y. Ni, Y. Zhong, T.-F. Fang, and H.-G. Luo, New J. Phys. 15, 053108 (2013).

[9] T.-F. Fang, W. Zuo and H.-G. Luo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246805 (2008), Erratum, PRL 104, 169902(2010).

[10] T.-F. Fang and H.-G. Luo, Phys. Rev. B 81, 113402 (2010); T.-F. Fang, Q. f. Sun and H.-G. Luo, Phys. Rev. B 84, 155417 (2011); L. Li, Y.-Y. Ni, T.-F. Fang, and H.-G. Luo, Phys. Rev. B 84, 235405 (2011).

[11] Lin Li et al., Phy. Rev. B 89, 245135 (2014); Lin Li et al., Phys. Rev. B 92, 195155 (2015); Lin Li et al., Phys. Rev. B 94, 165144 (2016); Tie-Feng Fang et al.,Phys. Rev. B 96, 085131 (2017); Zhan Cao et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 121110(R) (2017).


罗洪刚简介:兰州大学物理科学与技术学院教授,院长,杰青,长江学者。1992年在兰州大学物理系理论物理专业获学士学位,1995年在兰州大学理论物理专业获硕士学位,1999年在兰州大学和德国吉森(Giessen) 大学联合培养博士,1999年在中科院兰州近物所从事博士后研究工作,2001年在中科院理论物理研究所从事博士后研究工作,2003-2009年中科院理论物理研究所兼职副研究员。1999年开始在兰州大学担任助教,讲师,副教授。2006年兰州大学聘任为教授。现从事凝聚态理论与数值方法研究,在强关联电子系统、高温超导、介观输运,非线性系统及数值计算方法的发展及应用等方面共发表120余篇SCI论文。

