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Quantum Matter Seminar: Phonon promoted charge density wave in topological kagome metal ScV6Sn6






Charge density wave (CDW) orders in vanadium-based kagome metals have recently received tremendous attention, yet their origin remains a topic of debate. The discovery of ScV6Sn6, a bilayer kagome metal featuring an intriguing √3×√3×3 CDW order, offers a novel platform to explore the underlying mechanism behind the unconventional CDW. Here, we combine multiple spectroscopic methods and density functional theory to investigate the electronic structure and phonon modes of ScV6Sn6. We identify topologically nontrivial surface states and multiple van Hove singularities (VHSs) in the vicinity of the Fermi level, with one VHS aligning with the in-plane component of the CDW vector near the K point. Additionally, Raman measurements indicate a strong electron-phonon coupling, as evidenced by a two-phonon mode and new emergent modes. Our findings highlight the fundamental role of lattice degrees of freedom in promoting the CDW in ScV6Sn6. In addition, we also show evidences that time-reversal symmetry is broken in the charge ordered phase of this kagome compound, which is often regarded as a conventional paramagnet.


史明,现任浙江大学物理学院教授、博士生导师。1996年在瑞士日内瓦大学取得物理博士学位。曾长期在瑞士国家研究所Paul Scherrer Institute(PSI)工作(1997-2023),历任研究员,高级研究员和所长特别顾问,主要从事大科学装置的建设和发展,主持建立了国际领先的同步辐射角分辨光电子能谱光学线,并利用这些实验装置作为实验平台进行凝聚态物理前沿研究。在PSI期间曾在University of Illinois at Chicago作访问教授(2004-2005),中科院物理所特聘教授(2012-2018),中科院合肥强磁场中心特聘研究员(2018-2021)。科研兴趣包括研究(强)关联体系的电子能带结构,自旋态以及激发谱,并建立他们与宏观量子现象和输运性质的联系, 以及探索新型量子材料。已发表学术论文210余篇,其中包括Nature 正刊/子刊27篇,Phys. Rev. Lett./Phys. Rev. X 42篇,Science Advances 5篇, Advanced Materials系列5篇。近年来在非常规高温超导、拓扑量子态等方面取得了多项重要成果,促进了铜基、铁基高温超导机理的理解,并发现了一系列新型拓扑材料。2022年入选科技部火炬计划,2023年10月被聘为浙江大学求是讲席教授,全职加入浙江大学关联物质研究中心和物理学院。

