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Fuchun Zhang Personal Page

Education & Employment

1964~1968 Fudan University, Bachelor in Physics
1981~1983 Virginia Tech, Ph. D in Physics
1983~1984 The University of Minnesota, postdoctor
1984~1986 The University of Maryland, postdoctor
1986~1988 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, postdoctor
1988~2006 University of Cincinnati, Professor
2003~2012 The University of Hong Kong, Professor

Research Focus

1. High Tc superconductors
2. Quantum Magnetism
3. Topological Insulators
4. Strongly Correlated Electrons

Research Field

Zhang’s research is in condensed matter theory, especially in the field of correlated electron systems such as high transition temperature superconducting copper oxides, quantum spin systems, and fractional quantum Hall effect. In recent years, Zhang’s research has also expanded into the field of spin electronics in semiconductors with spin orbit couplings. Zhang has broad knowledge and interests in condensed matter physics, a diversified subfield in physics, closely related to emerging electronics.

Research Grants

Internal Grants in HKU
2005-2007 PI, University Development Fund (UDF) for establishment of
“Centre of Theoretical and Computational Physics”, HKD 3.5M
2005-2008 University Distinguished Research Achievement Award of HKU, HKD 3M
2006-2009 PI, UDF for spintronics center, HKD 3.3M
2009-2012 PI, UDF for synthetic biology, HKD 3M
2009-2012 Co-convenor, UDF, with Wengcho Chew
Computational Science and Engineering, HKD 10M

2009-2010 PI, UDF for Optics Lab. HKD 5.7M

External Grants since 1998
1998-2001 The US Department of Energy award, shared with X. C. Xie, USD 150K
1998-2000 The US Petrolium Research Fund award, with M. Jarrell, USD 60K
2001-2004 The US Department of Energy award, shared with X. C. Xie, USD 150K
2001-2004 Outstanding Overseas Chinese award,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, RMB 500K
2001-2004 The US National Science Foundation grant, shared with M. Jarrell, USD 450K
2004-2007 PI, RGC (Research Grant Council) individual CERG grant, HK, HKD 392K
2005-2008 PI, RGC CERG grant, HK, HKD 463.6K
2006-2009 PI, RGC Central Allocation Grant, HK
“Exploring Novel Quantum Matter in Condensed Matter Physics”, HKD 2.4M
with H. Q. Lin at CUHK, T. K. Ng at HKUST, L. H. Tang at BUHK, and Z. D. Wang at HKU
2006-2008 PI, RGC CERG grant, HKD 388K, HK
2007-2010 PI, RGC CERG grant, HKD 550K, HK
2008-2011 PI, RGC GRF (changed name of CERG) grant, HKD 783K, HK
2009-2012 PI, RGC Collaborative Research Grant,
“Semiconductor Spntronics”, HK, HKD 4.5M
with S. Q. Shen, X. D. Cui, M. H. Xie, W. K. Wong at HKU, J. N. Wang, X. R. Wang at HKUST, R. B. Liu, Q. Li at CUHK
2009-2011 PI, RGC GRF grant, HKD 486K
2010-2017 Principal Coordinator, HK UGC Area of Excellence grant
“Theory, Modeling, and Simulation of Emerging Electronics”, HKD 78M
with PIs Guanhua Chen, Wengcho Chew, Jian Wang at HKU, Philip Chan at HKUST, and Hong Guo at MiGill
2010-2013 PI, RGC GRF grant, HKD 655K

Representative Publications

J. W. Huo, W. Q. Chen, S. Raghu, and F. C. Zhang, Field-Induced p-Wave Superconducting State of Mesoscopic Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 257002 (2012).

J. H. Gao, J. Yuan, W. Q. Chen, Y. Zhou, and F. C. Zhang, Giant mesoscopic spin Hall effect on the surface of topological insulator, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 057205 (2011).

Weiqiang Chen, Kai-Yu Yang, Yi Zhou, Fu-Chun Zhang, Strong Coupling Theory for Superconducting Iron Pnictides, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 047006 (2009). Times cited: 33

K. Y. Yang, T. M. Rice, and F. C. Zhang, Phenomenological theory of the pseudogap state, Physical Review B 73, 174501 (2006). Times cited: 102

P. W. Anderson, P. A. Lee, M. Randeria, T. M. Rice, N. Trivedi, and F. C. Zhang, The physics behind high-temperature superconducting cuprates: the “plain vanilla” version of RVB, J. Phys.: Condense Matter 24, Topical Review R755 (2004). Times cited : 279

S. Q. Shen, M. Ma, X. C. Xie, and F. C. Zhang, Resonant spin Hall conductance in two-dimensional electron systems with a Rashba interaction in a perpendicular magnetic field, Phys Rev. Lett. 92, 256603 (2004). Times cited: 104

F. C. Zhang, Gossamer superconductor, Mott insulator, and resonating valence bond state in correlated electron systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 207002 (2003). Times cited: 62

 F. C. Zhang, C. Gros, T. M. Rice and H. Shiba, A renormalized Hamiltonian approach to a resonant valence bond wavefunction, Superconductor Science and Technology 1, 36-46 (1988). Times cited: 383

F. C. Zhang and T. M. Rice, Effective Hamiltonian for the superconducting Cu-oxides, Physical Review B 37, 3759-3761 (1988). Times cited: 2277

Y. Q. Li, M. Ma, D. N. Shi, and F. C. Zhang, SU (4) theory for spin systems with orbital degeneracy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3527 (1998). Times cited: 148


Tel: +86-571-87953896
Fax: +86-571-87953896
E-mail: fuchun at hku.hk
personal homepage:http://www.physics.hku.hk/~fczhang/

