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Spin-resolved ARPES endstation LOREA at Synchrotron ALBA with case studies on ZnTe and YbNi4P2

Ji Dai 

Synchrotron ALBA, Spain




LOREA, the ARPES endstation at Synchrotron ALBA in Spain, starts its service from October of 2021. It features a small beam spot size (10*10 μm2), a wide energy range (10-1000 eV) with all polarizations (LH, LV, C+, and C-), and the full-spin-resolution capability. In this talk, I will present two case studies. I will first demonstrate the Dresselhaus spin orbit coupling (SOC) in the zine-blend semiconductor ZnTe. Taking advantage of the spin-ARPES at LOREA, we directly observed those spin-polarized bulk bands with large splitting energies in the non-magnetic ZnTe and fully characterized the spin texture. Secondly, I will report our recent ARPES study on ferromagnetic quantum critical metal YbNi4P2. Through proper surface preparation on YbNi4P2, we measured its electronic bands for the first time with ARPES. Our data prove the existence of 1D Fermi surface contours. Further analysis by comparing to the DFT calculations indicates that both d-f hybridization and SOC are important.


Ji Dai (戴极) is currently a beamline scientist working at the ARPES beamline LOREA at Synchrotron ALBA in Barcelona, Spain. He started to work with ARPES since his doctoral education (2016-2019) in France under the supervision of Prof. Andrès F. Santander-Syro in Université Paris-Saclay. His previous research focus on the quantum physics in low-dimensional electron systems, such as electron-phonon coupling in 2DEG and Dirac node arcs in topological semimetals.

